Located in
Atlanta GA
Booking for Atlanta, GA link is (below ) pricing and descriptions are here too. We also have specials if you book with a friend and come together, take a look and book today! Books open 2 weeks prior to desired date. To see all available appointments, please go to choose any provider. Please make sure your phone # is up to date in your profile when booking. We look forward to meeting you.
Our Mentorship Program just got 100x better.
We have enhanced our mentorship program to provide comprehensive support for your business. In addition to our existing services, we now offer business website development, social media management, strategic social media planning, and effective paid advertising solutions.

We now offer many training options, high quality gels, tooth gems, and many other products
Popular whitening Products
Popular teeth whitening trainings
During the treatment, you will recline under our lights. After the treatment, it takes 48 hours for the pores of your teeth to close. During this period, brush only with white toothpaste, do not use mouth wash or rinses, and consume only white, clear or neutral foods. Foods to stay away from include tomatoes, gravies, blueberries, and red wine. If coffee or tea is needed please drink with a straw and rinse with water immediately after. For best results, please refrain from teeth staining foods for 48 hours after treatment.
Before choosing a laser system, please be advised that not all laser systems or products on the market are the same. We are one of the few companies in the world that guarantees results. Our whitening machine is the most advanced technology available today.
Our one-time, hour long, laser treatment is the safest and most effective whitening procedure available. We guarantee instant results in a single session. Within the time it takes for you to eat lunch, we can make your teeth look 8-10 shades brighter. Or more! Guaranteed.